DHSW- PROGRAM 3: A Deheaping Program for Estimating Best Heap Sharing Ratios for 10-heaps

Flow of estimation

 The %LET statements below define SAS macro variables to use in defining ρ10(10) and ρ10(20) values to use in DO loops (i.e., DO st10=10 25 50  60 70 72 83 88 94 97 99;DO st20= 25  50 60 70 72 83 88 94; [ESTIMATION CODE];END;END;) to be used as suggested in the flow diagram on the next page .

%LET st10=10 25 50  60 70 72 83 88 94 97 99 -1;
%LET st20= 25  50 60 70 72 83 88 94  -1;


The statements can be interpreted as easily. The -1 values are just coding devices so they are not part of estimation. The values are accessed and turned into proportions. For what is given, estimation first occurs with the proportion of 10-heapers at 10 as .10. This is paired with a value of .25 for the heap at 20. When that estimation is done, a value .50 is used for the heap at 20. One progresses through the values for st20 and then goes back and increments st10 to .25.


In the end, one has estimates for all the combinations and criteria for the deheaped function being good have been computed. So, when all results are “pulled together” a report can show best and “near best” parameters. Critical estimation results are preserved so if someone wants to produce new measures it is likely they can write SAS code to produce criteria without rerunning the “DO” loops.       


Estimatiing best heap share p. 3
Estimatiing best heap share Flow chart
Estimatiing best heap share Flow chart