Jay Beaman
1995 BEAMAN J.G.; Vaske, J. 1995. "An Ipsative Clustering Model for Analyzing Attitudinal Data". Journal of Leisure Research, 27(2):168-191
1996 BEAMAN, J. G. 1996. “Recreation Research- Past and Future; and Its Critical Relationship to Management for Success” Presented as Featured Speaker to NERR in 1996. Published in Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1996, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station.
1996 BEAMAN, J.; Thomson, E.. 1996. “Issues in Developing Effective Measures for Decisions of Use/Attendance/Benefit Changes Over Time” Presented to NERR and Published in Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1996, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station.
1996 BEAMAN, J.; Vaske, J.; Manfredo, M. J; Covey, D.; & Knox, R. 1996. Response strategy, recall frame and digit preference in self-reports of angling participation. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 1(4):54-68..
1996 BEAMAN, J.G.; Vaske, J.; Stanley, R, Grenier, M.. 1996. "P-I and Segmentation: Where Do We Go From Here?". The Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 5(3):225-240 and in Recent Advances in Tourism Research, Fesenmaier, O’Leary and Uysal(Eds.), NY: Haworth..
1997 BEAMAN, J.G.; Grenier, M.. 1997. “Statistical Tests and Measures For The Presence And Influence Of Digit Preference”. Presented to NERR and Published in Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1997, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station.
1997 BEAMAN, J; Fesenmaier, D.; Jiann-Min Jeng. 1997 “Clarification of Cumulative Attractivity as a Concept and Its Measurement: Comments on Leu, Crompton and Stewart 1996.” Journal of Travel Research, 36(2):74-77.
1997 BEAMAN, J; Vaske, J.; Donnelly, M; Manfredo, M.. 1997. “Individual versus Aggregate Measures of Digit Preference.” Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2(1):71-80.
1998 BEAMAN, J.G.;  Vaske, J. ; Grenier, M. 1998. “A prototype model for estimating and correcting bias in digit preference / number preference” Tourism Analysis, 2(2):77-90.
1998 BEAMAN, J.G.; and Rogers, Judy. Research Resolutions. (1998) “How inaccurate is good enough?”.  Paper prepared as input to the “Moving Forward” thrust which is focusing on improving the Canadian Travel Survey, CTS. After its presentation clients for the CTS provided accuracy requirements to Statistics Canada.
1999 BEAMAN, J. G.; Stanley, R.; Perron, L. 1999. "Parks Canada's Economic and Business Models: Perspectives on Their Development and Use" in Ecosystem Management edited by J Aley, W. Burch, Jr., B. Conover and D. Field; Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis.
1999 BEAMAN, J. G.; Tzung-Cheung (T.C.) Huan;  O’Leary, J. T.; and Xinran Y. 1999. Tourism Product Positioning by Pleasure Visitors’ Pre-travel Image and On-site Image” in Conference Proceedings (Volume 1) – Asia Pacific Tourism Association 5th Annual Conference, 23-25 Aug. 1999, Hong Kong SAR, China.
2000 BEAMAN, J. G. 2000. Contributions Of Entries On Substitution And Displacement To The Encyclopedia Of Tourism. London: Routledge.
Résumé - Publications since 1995 p. 1
Résumé - Overview
Publications since 1995 p. 2